If we talk about In-Floor Cleaning and Circulation Systems, we talk about equipment who has been designed exclusively to reduce big amount of swimming pool maintenance. The philosophy of "The pool is to enjoy it, no to be a slave to it", it is present in almost all Paramount Pools products. The same way it occur in Garden and Patio environment, when a customer wants to plant grass around his home, he find out that to plant it, was the easiest step. Once it is planted, the Grass require a regular maintenance as cutting it or watering it and this maintenance require time and money. Even if in the Swimming pool maintenance field we can find many alternatives, starting with the simply hire of some company to keep it clean, buying a cleaning robot or by let the customer to do it by itself, the easiest and cheapest way it is to have an In-Floor Cleaning and Circulation System installed.
If we compare the In-Floor Cleaning and Circulation System with the Robot Cleaners, we can see from the beginning that the Robot Cleaner prices may vary from hundreds of dollars to thousands, depending on the Robot Cleaner sophistication. Even the more complete and sophisticate Robot Cleaner will never clean 100% of the pool, will not clean the underwater Steps or benches or any other inside pool obstacle. All the Robot Cleaners have to be surveilled, most of them catching the dirt and storage it in bags and baskets that have to be checked and cleaned with frequency. A full basket means no more cleaning till it is emptied. All Robot Cleaners have to work while the pool it is without Users, have to be mounted and disassembled very similar with a home vacuum cleaner. Depending on the type of the pool surface finished, on the pool shape and on the work frequency, a Robot Cleaner has a lot of replacing parts that has to be revised and changed. Those parts are not easy to identify, to find and to replace, most of them are not cheap, so a customer has to consider all these facts before buy one.
Many customers were asking why the In-Floor Cleaning Systems are not as popular as the Robot Cleaners. There comes the reasons:
- The most common reason is lack of materials and lack of the installation methods. For this reason, some companies have failed attempt to install Pool Valet based Cleaning Systems, and in some cases even the Original Pool Valet Cleaning and Circulation System.
In the market there are several manufacturers of In floor cleaning systems, similar to Pool Valet, but do not meet the basic requirements to ensure proper operation. The reality is that installing an Integrated Cleaning System is an important responsibility for the fact that it is a permanent installation where fix something bad installed, it becomes very expensive once the pool is build.
Many installation companies reduce costs by opting to install an In-Floor Cleaning System similar to those produced by Paramount Pools. In many cases, the budgets presented to clients are proposing a "Pool Valet System type" which is actually manufactured by another company, or in as many cases manufactured by several companies. Many systems are installed hybrid type which means: a distribution control valve from a manufacturer, the cleaning nozzles and Drains from other manufacturer, just to try to minimize costs. In these cases we must say that the guarantees of the products are affected by incompatibilities between products. The distributor control valve that distributes the flow to cleaning nozzle is made to work with a determined flow and pressure that is regulated by the nozzles of the system. If the nozzles are changed, the flow is not the same, pressures either, so the distributor valve is exposed to a job out of the original proposal.
The truth is that the In-Floor Cleaning System was invented in the United States and it took 20 years to reach Europe. In reality many prestigious companies have installed these systems correctly pioneering at the time, translating the installation manuals, training their people in the United States and trying to give customers an impeccable service. If something can be well done, it can be in all fields, and the pools field too. However, at a large-scale, these In-Floor Cleaning Systems, have not worked as well, for the reason that they are not an ideal product to be distributed. A distribution company is dedicated to buy and sell the material so they usually unknown the details of installation, the correct methods, tricks to avoid mistakes.... Etc. Distribute this material is a much greater responsibility than distributing Robot Cleaners. If a Robot Cleaner does not work, it just changed to a new one. If a Cleaning System is installed wrong, the remedy is more expensive than the main installation. We must also say that there are distribution companies with a highly qualified and responsible personnel who have understood this material and have treated it as it deserves, but unfortunately do not represent the majority.
- Another reason why the In-Floor Cleaning System is installed on an occasional basis, is the lack of knowledge by the end user. Many times a future pool owner is guided by what he has seen so far, a relative swimming pool or a neighbor swimming pool. As having a pool was until recently a few accessible field, information about pools, was also scarce. In the market until today, there are very few specialty magazines and inside you can find more distributors and manufacturers advertising then real pool owner’s experiences, so reading them is left more confused than before. Every company tries to bring the best out of their products so it is difficult to decide on one or the other. No more to say that In-Floor Cleaning System manufactured by Paramount Pools are installed in large part thanks to customers who already have it installed, tested for years and recommend to family and friends. Our recommendation to have an optimally functional In-Floor Automatic Cleaning System in your future pool, is that demands your installer the product produced by Paramount Pools, be the Original Pool Valet, the PV3 (the new Pool Valet), the PCC 2000, Vanquish System for Liner pools or Vantage System for One-Piece Pools (fiberglass pools). We supply free of charge the installation layout for every pool, to distributors, dealers or end users. We advise any company or individual on the proper installation of the system and also on the correct interpretation of the installation drawings. Ensure the installer follow-up the installation layout and the installation manual, when installing the In-Floor Cleaning System. It is important that the cleaning nozzles installed in the pool, the Distributor Valve, Active Main Drain and Debris Canister are original in order the system operate optimally.
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